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  • St John Fisher Catholic Primary School
  • Alvechurch Road, West Heath, Birmingham
  • West Midlands, B31 3PN
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Early Years Foundation Stage


At St John Fisher, we want all of our children to be happy, safe and engaged in their learning. 

Our aim is for the children we teach to become independent learners who are confident in themselves and secure in their environment. We enable children to achieve their full potential by providing stimulating resources, developing strong, trusted, positive relationships, and teaching a fun and engaging curriculum. 



Our staff who work in the EYFS are an extremely caring, committed and experienced team. They are passionate about giving all children the best possible start to their school journey.   





Favourite children’s book

Favourite Lesson to teach


Miss L Hickey

Class Teacher

10+ years’ experience in Early Years

Lunchtime by Rebecca Cobb



Mrs A Ford

Teaching Assistant

4 years in primary education


The Owl and the Pussycat


Mrs S Holder

Higher level teaching assistant

10 years in primary education

The Gruffalo 


We ensure children at St John Fisher make good progress from their individual starting points by:

  • encouraging them to play and explore their environment fully;
  • motivating children to be active learners;
  • inspiring them to think creatively and make links between their learning.   

These are known as the characteristics of effective learning and we believe that when children can do these things successfully, they can be successful learners. 




We are lucky to have a very large Reception Classroom as well as an outdoor area that we use daily.  Each area is set up so the children can access resources linked to each area of learning:



Role –play area 


Communication and Language

This is a very broad overview and all areas of our classroom interlink and promote all areas of learning. 


We develop elements of Personal, Social and Emotional Development through all areas of learning. 

Small world area


Expressive Arts and Design

Creative area


Expressive Arts and Design

Physical Development

Reading area



Communication and Language

Writing area



Physical Development

Maths area



Investigation Area

Understanding the World

Outdoor Area 

Physical Development



Catholic Life

From their first moment in Reception children will be taught that “together with Christ, we love, learn and pray as one family”.  This is our school mission statement and we teach children to follow in the footsteps of Christ, loving others as Jesus taught us to. 



We offer a very exciting, broad and balanced curriculum.  Please click below to see an overview of what we teach throughout the year. 

EYFS Curriculum Overview

Lumen Christi Catholic Multi Academy
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