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For Art today we are continuing to explore Sculpture.  Watch the video which talks about local sculptures that can be found in Birmingham.


After you have watched the video have a go sketching a sculpture. 


You can choose a sculpture from around your area (if there is one by your house).

Or if you have a sculpture in your house (maybe an ornament or a statue).

Or choose one of the sculptures I have shown you in the video - i have attached pictures of  a few of these below.   

Or you can research one of your own online or from a book.  


Remember we are just sketching today so you just need to use a pencil and a piece of paper - you don't need to worry about colouring it in.   


If you could ask the children to use some words to describe the sculpture they have drawn and write them down for them - it may be the colour of the sculpture, the size of the sculpture, the size, the material.     




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