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  • Alvechurch Road, West Heath, Birmingham
  • West Midlands, B31 3PN
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Hello everyone, we are starting our new topic Money today. 



In this lesson, children will learn the value of each coin and note and understand what these values represent. Children will answer questions that involve finding a total amount and express these amounts using the word ‘and’. Some children may not understand the value of each coin. They may think that £1 and 1p have the same value or that 20p has a greater value than £1.  To support ask: How many pence is this coin worth? Can you show it on a number line?

Children may also think that if they have more coins they have a greater total.  To support ask: How many pence do you have all together?


Please click on the link below to access the lesson smiley

Lumen Christi Catholic Multi Academy
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