Dear Parents and Carers,
If you haven't done so already, please make contact with Miss Hickey to arrange a parent/teacher appointment to have a chat with Miss Hickey prior to children starting with us in September. These will take place on Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th September.
The children should then attend for half days on Friday 8th, Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th September.
Timings for morning sessions are 9.00-11.30; Afternoons will be 1.00 - 3.30
All children should then start full time from Wednesday 13th September - 8.50-3.30.
The powerpoint below was shared with parents at our Induction Meeting.
If you have any queries please contact the school office on 0121 475 3489 or email In the meantime, we hope you find the information below useful. We are very excited about welcoming you to our St John Fisher family soon.
Kind Regards,
Mrs Rogers
Please follow the link below for a tour of our Reception class.
Join Miss Hickey and Mrs Holder for a story.