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Hello Year 2, today we are going to continue with our unit 'Music can tell a story'.



Today we are going to learn a song that tells the story of Cinderella. We are going to use the tune to the song ‘One finger, one thumb keep moving’.


She had two ugly sisters…………………………….who made her do all the work

A servant bought a letter………………………….inviting them to a ball

But Cinders had no dresses……………………….so she stayed home and cried

A fairy found a pumpkin…………………………… and changed it into a coach

Now Cinders and Prince Charming…………..They danced the night away

The midnight chimes were ringing…………. She dropped her little glass shoe

The prince went round the city……………….to find the girl he loved

Now here’s a happy ending………………………..for Cinders and her prince


Perform your mini opera. Record your performance and think about how you could improve it.

Lumen Christi Catholic Multi Academy
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