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No Screen Friday


Today is no screen Friday in support of Children's Mental Health Week. I have set some tasks below that should be completed away from the screen. I ask that work is still sent in via email but of photos of your children completing the activities rather than anything written down :) 


The tasks below are ideas of things I would like you to have a go at completing but please feel free to add to them or change them to suit you and your children. I hope you enjoy a day of no screen learning!




Can you remember your new sound this week? Can you write down as many words as you can that contain your new sound? Write them using pencil, crayons, felt tips or whatever you please.



Share a traditional tale with your parents/carers, read it together and discuss what happens in it, who the characters are, where it is set and what the moral might be. 

Draw a picture of the traditional tale you read; include the characters and setting! 

(If you do not have a traditional tale at home - discuss one you know and retell the story from memory)  



This week we have been looking at number bonds to 20. Can you remember them all? Can you make a number bond to 20 game? Maybe you could write out numbers to 20 on separate pieces of paper and try to match up the ones that make 20? You could turn them all over and play a matching game with them? So if Mrs Hickie turned over a 6, she would need to keep turning over the numbers until she found 14 and so on. 



We have been learning all about Architecture and Sculpture during our art lessons this half term. Can you go outside and find items to create a picture made from nature? You could collect stones, leaves and twigs and create a flower or a house? 

Remember sculptures and art can be made using lots of different materials so have fun creating one made from natural things. 


I have attached our spellings as usual but please practice these away from the screen smiley



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