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  • St John Fisher Catholic Primary School
  • Alvechurch Road, West Heath, Birmingham
  • West Midlands, B31 3PN
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Healthy Life

St John Fisher Healthy Living


St John Fisher school supports national healthy eating campaigns which advise a minimum of  5-a-day fruit and vegetable intake. We continually monitor our approach and take account of DFE and NHS recommendations.



In Reception and KS1, children are entitled to free fruit each day. The children are encouraged to eat their free fruit throughout the day.  In KS2, children are encouraged to eat any fruit they have brought with them or can purchase a slice of toast for morning break. Any fruit not eaten by the younger children is offered to KS1 so that nothing is wasted.


School Meals

All our school meals are provided by City Serve Catering Services, who have a healthy food policy as part of their tender. This includes the use of fresh fruit and vegetables each day as a choice for the children. A range of salad is available every lunch time. Hot and cold options are available, which pay regard to nutritional balance and healthy options. The menu set is determined by the school itself and choices are limited to support our healthy food policy. Sweet puddings are limited and not provided every day. Fresh fruit and yoghurts are available every day as an alternative.  The School Meals Provider, City serve, is responsible for ensuring the quality of the food offered.  They are also responsible for ensuring that food supplied and cooked complies with national nutritional standards. The leadership team monitors the quality and provision of the quality of food on a regular basis. Menus are reviewed and approved termly.


Packed lunches

About half the children bring packed lunches to school. We remind families about the contents of these and do not allow sweets, chocolate bars or fizzy drinks. We ask parents not to send nuts in with packed lunches due to allergies in school. We promote healthy lunchbox ideas through the NHS change4life website.


Water for all

Water is freely available throughout the school day to all members of the school community. Children have fresh water and milk available to drink at lunchtime. Children are encouraged to bring a named water into school which can be kept in a the classroom for use throughout the day. Water can be refilled throughout the day. The only other drinks allowed are those with lunch which include skimmed or semi-skimmed milk, fruit juice, vegetable juice, rice or oat drinks enriched with calcium and plain yoghurt drinks.


Food across the curriculum

In Foundation stage, KS1 and KS2, there are a number of opportunities for pupils to develop knowledge and understanding of health, including healthy eating patterns and practical skills that are needed to understand where food comes from such as shopping, preparing and cooking food. Our Science curriculum and Food Technology as part of DT provides the opportunity to learn about where food comes from and apply healthy eating messages through practical work with food,  including preparation and cooking. Physical Education provides pupils with the opportunity to develop physically and to understand the practical impact of sport, exercise and other physical activity such as dance and walking.


Physical Health

Please see our PE curriculum offer on our PE page as well as our Sports Premium Plan for additional health and sporting activities. Out of school visits provide pupils with activities to enhance their physical  development, e.g. swimming, football, netball, adventure holiday. After school clubs (Out of School Hours) also offers the opportunity to further develop and support physical activities.


Working in Partnership

The partnership of home and school is critical in shaping how children and young  people behave, particularly where health is concerned. Each must reinforce the other.  We ask parents not to send in chocolate bars, sweets or fizzy drinks and we remind them that only water may be drunk during the school day. We also ask that you send PE kits in to school and allow children to take part in the extra curricular activities on offer.


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