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  • Alvechurch Road, West Heath, Birmingham
  • West Midlands, B31 3PN
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First Holy Communion


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Welcome to our First Holy Communion information page. Here you will find all of the dates and details to help your child prepare to receive their First Holy Communion. 



The Sacrament of Reconciliation is the second Sacrament after Baptism and is also known as Penance and Confession and it is the Sacrament that supports children in understanding of forgiveness, saying sorry for the wrongs done in heart, words, actions and mind, restoring our relationship with God and helping us to make better choices moving forward.  The children will be prepared well for this in school and is nothing for them to be worried about.  They will learn to say their Act of Contrition:


O my God, because you are so good.

I am very sorry

that I have sinned against you

and with the help of your grace,

I will not sin again.




Eucharist is the third Sacrament that Catholics will receive. It is the most important and memorable Sacrament as it allows us to receive the Body and Blood of Christ and in doing so Jesus becomes a part of us. It is also a gift we receive each week at Mass as we remember the sacrifice of Jesus at his death. The first time children receive this Sacrament it is called First Holy Communion.


First Holy Communion Dress Code

Girls are required to wear a white Holy Communion dress.  These can be purchased from a number of shops.  

Boys are required to wear a white shirt, grey trousers and a red sash and tie. These need to be purchased by yourself, we recommend that you order these early, as over the summer months, shops and online suppliers get increasingly busy. 


I Belong Books  

Children will be completing their I Belong Books in preparation for receiving their Holy Communion. They will be doing this in class but may occasionally be asked to do some preparation work at home. 


If you have any questions or concerns then please feel free to contact us in school. 

Lumen Christi Catholic Multi Academy
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