Happy new year everyone! A video from Miss Hickey!
For literacy children can watch the phonics powerpoint which recaps all the sounds learnt so far. Please encourage them to join in with the sounds and actions as much as possible.
This video introduces our new sound 'qu'. After the video children should have a go writing some of the words we have read together. They can use pens and paper, whiteboards, chalks on the floor, whatever you choose.
For maths this week we are looking at 'sorting' objects into 2 groups. Children can watch the video and then have a go sorting some items from around the house into 2 groups...cars and trains, dolls and teddies, pens and pencils, whatever you have at home.
RE - The story of the Wise Men visiting Jesus. Watch the video and then draw a picture of the Wise Men Visiting Baby Jesus in Bethlehem - you could use pens, felts, paints, you could even use play-doh if you like to make the figures!