This is the final lesson on our qu sound. Watch the video and join in with the blending/reading.
After watching the video you can click on the link to play buried treasure. You should select Phase 3 and then +qu option to read words with the qu sound. Children have to figure out if each word is real or nonsense and if it should go to the treasure chest or the dustbin.
This video continues our learning on parts and wholes.
Children can complete the sheet below from our maths workbook. Look at how many cakes there are as a whole. Children need to then think about how they could split the whole into 2 parts. How many cupcakes? How many doughnuts? They can draw them on the sheet if they want to (if you can print it) or just use items such as coins or counters to demonstrate part part whole.
To finish off this afternoon we are going to do some farmyard yogo. Click on the link to take you to the video which takes you through the story/movement . Enjoy!
Story Time
Listen to this story about the Farm read by Miss Hickey and have a wonderful weekend! Take care, stay safe!