Full school uniform must be worn every day. Our crested jumpers and cardigans can be purchased from 'Clive Marks' and 'Kids Essentials'.
Winter Uniform
Bottle Green Cardigan/Pullover (Crested) | |
Grey Trousers/Grey Shorts/Grey Skirt/Grey Pinafore | |
White Shirt* | |
Grey/White Socks** | |
Black shoes*** (Boots are not permitted) | |
School Tie | |
Suitable coat/jacket |
*Reception Class wear polo shirts and do not need to wear a tie.
**Warm knitted tights may be worn in winter (black, grey or bottle green only).
***Please also note that black trainer type shoes must be plain and must not have any coloured marks, ticks, logos.
SUMMER UNIFORM (usually worn after Easter until October half term)
Grey Skirt/Grey Shorts/Pinafore/Grey Trousers/Summer green checked or striped dress |
White Shirt * |
Sandals or black shoes black shoes without coloured logos etc. ***Boots are not permitted |
Grey/White Socks |
* Or white short sleeved polo shirt (Summer term and Autumn 1 only).
NB: Winter uniform may of course be worn all year if you wish.
P.E. KIT - Black pumps, White T-shirt, black joggers (plain) and black PE shorts are required for all PE lessons along with your child's school jumper or cardigan. All items should be completely plain - no ticks, stripes or logos please. Pumps should be sent in to school contained in a suitable labelled ‘pump’ bag. PE kits are worn on your child’s PE day. Children can wear their own trainers to and from school on PE days and will change into pumps for PE in the hall. Swimming kit is also required for selected classes - you will be informed if your class is on the rota for this.
Please note that jewellery, of any kind (including stud ear-rings), is not permitted. If you are having your child’s ears pierced, it is best practice to have these done in the longer six week holiday period in the summer term to avoid upset to your child. We have been advised that 6 weeks is the maximum necessary for ears to heal. From Y2 upwards, children will be asked to remove their own ear-rings and keep them in a safe place. If a child’s ears have not healed in six weeks and are infected because of piercing, please seek medical advice or leave them out altogether until the ears have healed.
Long hair must be fully tied back in a ponytail, plait or bun to keep head lice at bay. Styles such as closely shaven heads, ticks/stripes/Mohicans shaved into head, heavily gelled hair etc are not acceptable. Short hairstyles must be above collar length and of a tidy appearance. Hair needs to be combed back off the face, tied up if long and fringes kept out of children’s eyes so that they can see the board properly and move around the school safely.
Nail varnish and tattoos are not permitted.
Second Hand Uniform
Our school is partner with a local charity providing second hand uniform. We can contact them on your behalf or you can make an enquiry directly using their website here.
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