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No Screen Day!!


Today is 'No Screen Day' to support Children's Mental Health week. Please find a short explanation for each lesson below. We would still like parents/children to email the work in for today. Due to No Screen Day, this may be photos of the children completing the tasks rather than a written worksheet.


Literacy - As we normally have our SPaG (Spelling, punctuation and grammar) lessons on a Friday, I thought that today would be a great chance for you to go on a noun hunt! As a reminder, a noun can be a person, place or a thing. You may decide to complete your noun hunt inside or outside of you home (or both!). See how many different nouns you can find on your hunt. Feel free to draw or write the items you find :-)


Numeracy - Continuing with our Measuring length and height unit, see if you can find some objects that are taller than you, and some objects that are shorter than you. You may even like to choose a few of your toys or items in your home and order them from shortest to tallest!


Science - As we have been looking at Living Things and their Habitats, I thought it would be quite nice for you to have a go at playing a 'World Habitats' game. I have included some instructions and some pictures for you to print off (if you have access to a printer). If you have not got access to a printer, you could either have a go at drawing your own game cards, or simply quiz (or be quizzed by) another member of your household on which habitat certain animals would be found in.


• Give each player a Habitats Board.
• Shuffle the Living Things Cards and place them face down in the centre of the table.
• The youngest player takes the first turn.
• When it is a player’s turn, they pick a Living Things Card from the top of the pile and read the name and description of the plant or animal.
• The player decides which habitat the living thing belongs in. If the other players agree that they have the correct answer, the player can keep the card
on their Habitats Board.
• If the player has not guessed the right habitat, the card goes to the bottom of the pile.
• If all the players can’t agree which habitat a living thing belongs in, the players may ask an adult.
• The first player to get all 8 Living Things Cards in a single habitat wins the game.


Mindfulness -

'I am an amazing person!' (optional colouring/positive words activity)

I have also included some more breathing activities if you would like to try out some different ones :-)


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