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Watch Miss Hickey reading 'The Something' By Rebecca Cobb.


You can choose one or all of the activities which are all based around the book, or think of your own ideas to do with Reading/Book Day.

World Book Day Activities

  • Make a phone call – phone/video call a family member and tell them about the hole.  Or using a toy phone or plastic pots joined with string have imaginary conversations about the hole. Children could pretend to phone friends or grandparents and talk about the hole and what might be in it. 
  • Make a book with flaps to show different things which could be in the hole.
  • Make an under the ground scene. Use a small cardboard box such as a shoe box. Turn it on its side. Make an imaginary underground scene using collage or paint to make a background, then add small toys, or playdough models for the creature who lives there. Decorate the top edge of the box to look like grass and make a hole to look through.
  • Dig a real hole. If you have a garden, or a park, children could dig a hole in a flower bed/in a field (with permission!) be prepared for lots of worms emerging!
  • Get creative and draw a picture/paint/use chalks to show what you think is down the hole.
  • Read lots of stories for enjoyment!
  • Play dressing up! Who is your favourite character to dress up as?
  • Make a video on phone/device recording yourself describing what you found down the hole.


This link has loads of other resources for World Book Day and reading in general.

Lumen Christi Catholic Multi Academy
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