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  • Alvechurch Road, West Heath, Birmingham
  • West Midlands, B31 3PN
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2021 Remote

Welcome to our 'remote learning' page - scroll to the bottom of the page for daily lessons in the event of school closure


Remote education provision: information for parents

This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils, parents and carers about what to expect from our school in the event of a school closure

It also sets out the expectations of you as parents and of the children themselves. 

Mrs Rogers and Miss Musto are the named senior leaders with overarching responsibility for the quality and delivery of our remote education.


The remote curriculum: what is taught to pupils at home?

In the event of a school closure we have decided that our focus will be RE, Literacy, Numeracy and Phonics for our core remote offer. We have also included elements of the broader curriculum that children can access and work on as directed below.


How can I help and support my child when they are learning from home?

  • Take an active interest in your child’s learning and keep in touch with teachers by phone or email
  • Monitor your child’s communication and online activity:  Encourage them to be polite, remember their manners and not to post or send any negative comments
  • Check on privacy restrictions and safety controls on devices and apps
  • Establish a daily schedule and routine that works for your family
  • Plan some time away from the screen: Try to make sure your child gets some fresh air and exercise every day.


Please also try to monitor your child’s wellbeing and mental health.: Your child won’t get the same level of social interaction and might not see their friends for a while. Keep a check on their wellbeing and happiness. Remember to have some fun!

Will my child be taught the same curriculum as they would if they were in school?

Our aim is to teach as much of the curriculum remotely as we do in school, wherever possible. We would try to work with our existing plans however, we might need to make adaptations in some subjects depending on the resources and facilities available to us.

 Our aim is to make sure that:

  • Pupils receive a broad and balanced curriculum experience whether they are in school or not.
  • We work with our families to ensure they have the knowledge and tools in order to access our remote learning offer.
  • Our pupils have meaningful work each day in a number of different subjects.
  • Children will feel connected to the school community and engage with their teachers.
  • Where possible, we provide clear and recorded explanations of new content with our Loom videos
  • We have an email system for daily submission of tasks to ensure that pupils are engaging with their learning and to assess their progress and well-being.
  • Daily pupil feedback allows us to adjust the pace or difficulty of our planning where necessary, to support pupil recall and simplify our future explanations to ensure pupils understand the work they are doing
  • Our staff are supported to manage additional workload and expectations .


How long can I expect work set by the school to take my child each day?

The Government expect that in the event of a school closure remote education (including remote teaching and independent work) will take pupils broadly the following number of hours each day and we will set work accordingly, in line with this.


2 hours per day

Key Stage 1

3 hours a day (Please note that this block of time will include informal tasks such as reading, exercise, handwriting etc.)

Key Stage 2

4 hours a day (Please note that this block of time will include informal tasks such as reading, exercise, handwriting etc.)


It is however, important to remember that extended periods of screen time are not good for adults or children’s well-being and therefore there will be an expectation for exercises and tasks to be completed by the children independently or away from the laptop, in addition to those that are done electronically.  These are in your child's daily 'star' and are labelled as 'additional'. In this way, we continue to develop  creative  and motor skills as well as building in opportunities for physical exercise.


How will my child access any online remote education?

Please click here for a step by step video guide

We will issue daily teaching via 'loom' videos with your class teacher accompanied by tasks for use at home during school closure. These videos and activities will be posted daily on our website under your class 'star', in the Remote Learning Page under the Key Information tab. Videos from your teacher will be password protected - the 'loom' password that you need is stuck in to your child's home learning diary. Please call the office if you can't find it and we will pass this on to you.

You can access this page from any device – PC, laptop, tablet, phone, gaming console and the school app as it is a webpage and does not require the download of any particular software or app.

We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home. If this is the case, then please contact the school office on 0121 475 3489, where we can discuss this with you.


What will a typical day of remote learning look like for my child?

We use a combination of the approaches to teach pupils remotely:

  • The overview of work for the week will be set out daily
  • The specific work for each day will be available from 7.30am  
  • Appropriate work will be set to cover the time set out in the table above.
  • You may wish to schedule your school day with a 9.00 o’clock start or alternatively plan the sessions around your work and child care commitments.



Where pupils are able to use a device to record work then they should be encouraged to do so and send work in via email each day to their teacher for checking.

Our use of loom videos with our own staff teaching content, aims to replicate the experience they would have in the classroom. We would expect children to watch these videos independently as if the were a member of the class in school, the task that follows is explained within the video for the child. However for parents ease of use, an outline of the task is also referenced on the daily activity page. Our survey in the Autumn term revealed that pupils will access learning at different times of the day to one another depending on work and childcare commitments, it is for this reason that the daily videos will be made available for you to view at a time convenient to you rather than tuning in at a specific point

All pupils have a BGFL email account which they can use to send work in to their teacher. The QR codes to access their accounts are in the front of the Home Leaning Diaries for pupils. If you are struggling with access, please contact us at school or alternatively use any email account to send work in but please put your child’s name in the subject line. Where children can access their own email we would encourage it as this is a useful skill for them to develop.



We understand that access to shared devices at home can create issues and therefore we will endeavour to ensure that all activities that we plan can be completed electronically or paper based. If you choose to work ‘paper-based’, then we would ask you simply to take a photograph (most likely on your phone) and email the work in so that the teacher can recognise your child’s efforts. If you struggle with this, please don’t worry. Teacher's will respond daily to emails during normal working hours. Please allow time for a response to pupils’ work as teachers are all in school supervising Key Worker/Vulnerable children throughout the day. Please bear in mind that there cannot be an instant response or lengthy feedback on completed tasks emailed in. Teachers will not be able to respond over the weekend.


How will you know if your child is making good progress with their work?

  • We ask that pupils complete tasks each day but also recognise that this isn’t always possible. It may be that some days you can double up and email in multiple pieces of work but equally families are not always able to do this
  • Either the teacher or a teaching assistant will respond to all/ the core work sent it by the children
  • Feedback with pupils might also be shared during telephone conversations if needed.
  • As a school, we will make direct contact with you if we have concerns that your child is not engaged with on line learning or about how your child is doing.


How will school work to help children who usually need additional support in school?

We recognise that some pupils, for example some pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those pupils in the following ways:

  • Teachers will continue to work with our SENDCO to consider adaptations to help all children access the work that is set.
  • Parents / children will be offered alternative tasks or resources that offer more appropriate support.
  • Our school SENDCO will be checking in with teachers, children and parents weekly to make sure they are confident about the how their learning is progressing and that they are feeling supported.


What should I do if my child is sick?

  • If your child is sick (due to COVID or for any other reason) please make the school aware of this by phoning us on 0121 4753489  before 10.00 am.
  • If there are other circumstances or matters that you believe will impact on your child’s learning or well-being then please also contact the school immediately.


Further detail is included in our Remote Learning Policy which is available in school.

Named contact in school for concerns about child’s mental health and emotional wellbeing is Miss Musto

As before we expect that you do what is in your capacity at home which will vary according to work and childcare commitments but we are here to support you and not judge, please don’t feel under any pressure. We are always here to offer our help. We are keen to minimise the disruption to your child’s learning and wish to work together to ensure they continue to progress.


Here are some further links to resources and information that may help you whilst your child is learning from home:

7_Top_Tips_to_Support_Reading_at_Home.pdf (

Read_with_TRUST_infographic.pdf (

Reading with TRUST (

Supporting_home_learning_routines_-_Planning_the_day.pdf (


Please click in your child’s class star below to find today's learning...


Email addresses for submitting your child’s work are as follows…


Click here for a step by step video guide...

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