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Cluster KS1 & KS2 Cross Country Competition

Four pupils from KS1 and eight from KS2 took part in our first ever Cross Country Competition at Woodgate Valley Country Park on Thursday 9th February.

Pupils completed a gruelling course, with KS1 running a large and small lap whilst KS2 ran an extra area in addition to this. The conditions were ideal for Cross Country, mud, wind, rain and even a little bit of snow added to the excitement, as each and every pupil required great effort to complete the course.

After a very close race Curtis Mitchell came 1st in the KS1 race. KS2 team came 1st (combined lowest scores) – Dylan Mitchell, Cormac Byrne, Oliver Cook, Josh Singende, Annabelle Bennett, Stephanie Pearson, Aine McNamara and Isabel Hemmings. Well done to the whole of KS1 team; Curtis Mitchell, Lily Round, Erin McDaid and Nathan Luther who all showed amazing effort and enthusiasm.

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